标题:日期时间引发的客户端进入ADS代理而无法完成就绪 出处:gOxiA=苏繁=SuFan Blog 时间:Tue, 17 Oct 2006 10:38:07 +0000 作者:gOxiA 地址:https://sufan.maytide.net/read.php/336.htm 内容:       今天为一台破机安装系统,安装上CPU和硬盘挂上软驱准备通过ADS来部署系统。发现客户端能够正常地执行PXE引导,并且能够引导RAMDisk,并进入ADS代理环境,可是发现无法进入就绪阶段,屏幕状态最终停止在断开状态,并且键盘挂起无法操作除非复位!       查看了ADS服务器的事件日志发现了一个警告日志,内容如下: 来源:adsctlrID:532描述:Failed to connect to the device (device name: MAC4C00101F39F5, IP address: Most common causes of ADS connection failures are: 1) The public root certificate is missing. Ensure a public certificate is installed for the ADS Builder service and each device. 2) The public root certificate is rejected because a BIOS date is set incorrectly. Confirm that the date and time on the Controller and the BIOS date and time on the device are the same. Refer to the ADS troubleshooting guide for more information about connection failures and possible solutions.       刚开始怀疑是主板的问题,因为在开始引导磁盘时BIOS会显示“Unkonw Flash Type”,难道跟BIOS有关导致无法获取证书?但是他们之间不存在直接的关系啊,仔细看了第二种可能的情况重新启动了客户端并进入BIOS设置发现果然是日期造成的。原来主板之前维修过日期恢复为出厂状态!修改为正确的日期时间后,ADS代理正常了,并能够顺利完整部署! Generated by Bo-blog 2.1.1 Release