标题:[Hyper-V] 微软发布 Linux Integration Components 出处:gOxiA=苏繁=SuFan Blog 时间:Sat, 11 Apr 2009 22:28:27 +0000 作者:gOxiA 地址:https://sufan.maytide.net/read.php/1204.htm 内容: 微软发布 Linux Integration Components 微软终于发布了 Linux Integration Components 正式版,这意味着我们可以在 Hyper-V 上安装 Linux,并且使用 Hyper-V 卓越的 VMBus 技术,以提升 Linux 在 Hyper-V 下的性能。正是发布的包含了简体中文以及其他11个语言版本,共计12个!有在 Hyper-V 部署 Linux 的朋友或准备测试 Linux 的都可以体验一下。下面是有关 Linux Integration Components 的官方概述,供大家参考:概述When installed in a supported Linux virtual machine running on Hyper-V, the Linux Integration Components provide. Driver support for synthetic devices: The Linux integration components include support for both the synthetic network controller and synthetic storage controller that have been developed specifically for Hyper-V. These components take advantage of the new high-speed bus, VMBus, which was developed for Hyper-V. Hypercall adapter: The Hypercall adapter is a thin layer of software that translates the Xen-specific virtualization function calls from a Xen-enabled Linux kernel to Microsoft Hyper-V hypercalls. This results in improved performance for the Linux virtual machine. Fastpath Boot Support: Boot devices now take advantage of the storage VSC to provide enhanced performance.访问下载:Linux Integration Components Generated by Bo-blog 2.1.1 Release