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[SBS] Windows Server Solutions BPA 迎来2012年2月更新
Windows Server Solution BPA 迎来2012年2月更新
2012年2月微软再次更新了 Windows Server Solutions BPA,新添加了 46 个规则的检查及对应的解决方案。目前各 SKU 的总数分别为:
Small Business Server 2011 Standard Edition 143
Small Business Server 2011 Essentials 90
Windows Storage Server 2008 R2 Essentials 38
Windows MultiPoint Server 2011 7
下面是摘自官方 Blog 的更新说明:
Small Business Server 2011 Standard Edition
- ADWSStartModeSection - Active Directory Web Services is not set to the default start mode
- ADWSStartedSection - Active Directory Web Services is not started
- ADWSStartNameSection - Active Directory Web Services is not the default logon account
- ConsoleLogSection - The Console.Log file is larger than 1 GB in size
- NoChecksSection - You have completed {0} checks by using the Windows Server Solutions BPA
- ModelVersionSection - You are running Windows Server Solutions BPA version {0}
- SPSearchStartNameSection - SPSearch account not default account
- SPCentAdminAppPoolIdentitySection - The SharePoint Central Admin app pool is not using the spfarm account
- SPAcctPassValidSection - The username or password for one or more SharePoint managed account is not valid
- SPDBUpgradeSection - Use psconfig.exe to upgrade one or more SharePoint databases
- SPUpgradeSection - Use psconfig.exe to upgrade SharePoint
- RWALogSection - The RemoteAccess.log file is larger than 1 GB in size
- POP3LogSection - The POP3service.log file is larger than 1 GB in size
- SMTPRecLogSection - The SmtpReceive log directory is larger than 1 GB in size
- SMTPSendLogSection - The SmtpSend log directory is larger than 1 GB in size
- DefWebLogDirSection - Default Web site's log directory is over 1gb in size
- CompanywebLogDirSection - The Companyweb site log directory is over 1gb in size
- SBSSharePointLogDirSection - The log directory for the SBS SharePoint site is larger than 1 GB in size
- SAHomeMDBSection - The HomeMDB attribute is not set to the default value
- UpdateRollupSection - The most recent Update Rollup is not installed
- CASPortSection - CAS port not at default port 443
- CASSchemeSection - CAS scheme not default HTTPS
- CASAbsolutePathSection - CAS Absolute Path not default
- CASHostSection - CAS Host does not match
- OABHostSection - OAB Host does not match
- EWSHostSection - EWS Host does not match
- AutoHostSection - Autodiscover Host does not match
- OAnyHostSection - Outlook Anywhere Host does not match
- OAnyAuthMethodsSection - Outlook Anywhere authentication settings not default
- SSLBindingSection - No binding for SSL on all IP addresses
- DefWebSSLBindingSection - No binding for SSL on the Default Web Site
- CertExpirationSection - A certificate expires within 30 days
- CertSubjectSection - Certificate subject does not match the name configured by a wizard
- AutoDiscoverAuthSection - Authentication settings for the /autodiscover virtual directory are not default
- WebSvcAuthSection - Authentication settings for the /ews virtual directory are not default
- OABAuthSection - Authentication settings for the /OAB virtual directory are not default
- RPCAuthSection - Authentication settings for the /rpc virtual directory are not default
- RPCWithCertAuthSection - SSL settings for the /RPCWithCert virtual directory are not default
- MaxAllowedContentSection - Max allowed content length for the /Rpc virtual directory is not default
- MaxAllowedContentWithCertSection - Max allowed content length for the /RpcWithCert virtual directory is not default
- PathEnvVarSection - The Path environment variable is missing the Exchange Server bin directory
- ExchInstPathEnvVarSection - The ExchangeInstallPath environment variable is missing
- DupCNNameSection - One or more user accounts have duplicate CN names
- ConflictingWebSiteSection - A different web site is conflicting with the Default Web Site
Small Business Server 2011 Essentials
- ADWSStartModeSection - Active Directory Web Services is not set to the default start mode
- ADWSStartedSection - Active Directory Web Services is not started
- ADWSStartNameSection - Active Directory Web Services is not the default logon account
- NoChecksSection - You have completed {0} checks by using the Windows Server Solutions BPA
- ModelVersionSection - You are running Windows Server Solutions BPA version {0}
- RWALogSection - The RemoteAccess.log file is larger than 1 GB in size
- DefWebLogDirSection - Default Web site's log directory is over 1gb in size
- UpdateRollupSection - The most recent Update Rollup is not installed
- SSLBindingSection - No binding for SSL on all IP addresses
- DefWebSSLBindingSection - No binding for SSL on the Default Web Site
- CertExpirationSection - A certificate expires within 30 days
- CertSubjectSection - Certificate subject does not match the name configured by a wizard
- ConflictingWebSiteSection - A different web site is conflicting with the Default Web Site
Windows Storage Server 2008 R2 Essentials
- NoChecksSection - You have completed {0} checks by using the Windows Server Solutions BPA
- ModelVersionSection - You are running Windows Server Solutions BPA version {0}
- RWALogSection - The RemoteAccess.log file is larger than 1 GB in size
- DefWebLogDirSection - Default Web site's log directory is over 1gb in size
- UpdateRollupSection - The most recent Update Rollup is not installed
- SSLBindingSection - No binding for SSL on all IP addresses
- DefWebSSLBindingSection - No binding for SSL on the Default Web Site
- CertExpirationSection - A certificate expires within 30 days
- CertSubjectSection - Certificate subject does not match the name configured by a wizard
- ConflictingWebSiteSection - A different web site is conflicting with the Default Web Site
Windows MultiPoint Server 2011
- NoChecksSection - You have completed {0} checks by using the Windows Server Solutions BPA
- ModelVersionSection - You are running Windows Server Solutions BPA version {0}
- MMSUpdateRollupSection - An Update Rollup is not installed
- RDPUpdateSection - A recommended update is not installed
如需查看之前的更新说明可访问:Windows Server Solutions BPA Updated September 2011,Windows Server Solutions BPA(Best Practices Analyzer) 1.0 的下载地址是:http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=15556,在安装之前,必须先安装 Microsoft Baseline Configuration Analyzer 2.0,下载地址是:http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=16475。